That ain't my job.

The business owner's toolkit.

Hello again, Squad.

The Really Rich Journal

Leaders must own everything in their world. There is no one else to blame.

Jocko Willink

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The Weekly Tone

If you want to start a business, you should lose the phrase, “That ain’t my job” ASAP. Usually this comment is followed by a point in the general direction of the person who was supposed to do what you’re unwilling to.

In this game, there’s usually no one standing there to bail you out.

Everything is your job, especially at the outset.

May as well order the take-out Chinese food now, it’s going to be a late one, kids.

This week in my businesses, the variety of skills I pulled from was almost comically diverse - as I’m building a new business from scratch as well as managing several others.

I had to sit back and recognize that many others may not realize how insane this looks in practice. I’d rather share than keep this circus all to myself.

Now, I’m not a one-percentile expert at any one area, I’m just good enough at each area through practice (and reps) to make the whole thing move in the right direction consistently, week-after-week. You can do this too.

Let me (briefly) take you through my week:

On Monday, I was a copywriter. I crafted compelling content for a new company landing page, focusing on our brand's unique voice and value proposition. This product is heavily regulated, so this will also need to pass through a legal checkpoint later. At the baseline, the goal was to show a clear solution and make a compelling case for why they should trust us with providing it. I sketch this kind of thing up in a word doc (something I can do very well) and hand it off to my designer (something that’s better handed off at this stage for me).

Tip: When copywriting, remember to keep your audience at the forefront. Speak their language, address their pain points, and show them how you can solve their problems. Address this from every angle imaginable.

By Tuesday, I was knee-deep in A/B testing. This involved creating two different pricing pages and monitoring which one performed better. The goal was to identify the most effective strategy to maximize revenue and customer satisfaction. I use cheap tools like CrazyEgg or HotJar.

Tip: A/B testing is a powerful tool to make data-driven decisions. However, remember to test one variable at a time to accurately measure its impact.

Wednesday called for clear communication with our technical team. I had to articulate our goals and objectives effectively, ensuring that everyone was on the same page and working towards a common vision.

Tip: Effective communication is crucial in a team. Be clear, be concise, and be open to feedback. Remember, it's a two-way street.

Thursday was all about content management. I curated and organized content to support my personal brand, ensuring it was aligned with my mission, values, and target audience. I’m tempted to make a wider variety of content, but need to stay focused on the solutions I’m providing.

Tip: Your personal brand is your unique stamp in the business world. Be authentic, be consistent, and let your passion shine through.

And today, Friday, I'm here, sharing my journey with you in a draft for publication next week, highlighting the manic, ever-changing nature of entrepreneurship.


As entrepreneurs, we must be willing to roll up our sleeves and dive into areas where we can be most effective (and perhaps ill-equipped at times)—whatever the day may call for.

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Rich: That’s not my job.

Really Rich: I’ll take care of it.

🎙️ This Week On The Really Rich Podcast

Do you want to learn how to build a business from scratch with little investment and only a hunch? I outline my methodology for testing, delivering your product or service effectively, and scaling-up when the time is right.

Podcast available on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

🤝 How I can help you:

  1. The Entrepreneur’s Field Guide (Book) - learn the rules for entrepreneurship and how to blaze your own path.

  2. The Guided Journey (Course) - I’ll be your personal guide on your path to success in my comprehensive digital lecture course

  3. The Really Rich Podcast (Free) - a weekly deep dive into business, finance, and wealth mindset.