It never works out...until it does.

Listen to feedback. Adjust. Repeat.

Hello again, Squad.

The Really Rich Journal

You can call me Billy,

but the hills come with me.

Stephen Wilson Jr., “billy”

A special thank you to our sponsors who keep this Journal free to readers:

💳 Mercury is the company more than 100,000 ambitious companies trust with their finances. Apply in 10 minutes or less HERE.

💰 Buy an income for life with Revise: Did you know that you can buy a guaranteed retirement income with zero investment risk? Learn more HERE.

🤖 Are you still writing your own sales, engagement, and marketing outreach emails? Generate and send with now.

The Weekly Tone

You know the drill, right? You've got a brilliant idea, you put in the work, the late nights, you launch and then... crickets.

Nobody cares.

Or worse, someone else releases something similar two days later.

Just two days after launching an elementary version of my software company, (which today learns how you talk, writes in your voice, and customizes emails to recipients at scale, just like you would if you had the time), ChatGPT decided to make its grand entrance. My early software build wasn’t much better than the now-free GPT. Perfect. I was screwed.

But wait, it gets better…

Just as we're reeling from that blow, a rogue contractor decides to abandon a major bug fix, pissing off just about every user on our platform. Now, I'm not one to point fingers (let’s face it, it’s entirely my fault), but let's just say that was a less-than-ideal situation.

You would think that's enough drama, right? Wrong.

We spent three laborious months (and tens of thousands of dollars) building a "genius product" with a new crack team of engineers and product pros that only we, the founding team, could navigate. We were so deep in the weeds that we lost sight of the user—the very people we were creating this for.

This was very, very bad.

Soon enough, I said goodbye to the crack team of engineers - they were too expensive to justify without the product generating incremental revenue.

But, as I've learned, it never works out until... it does.

Out of the ether, my now-CTO and co-founder(!) emerged to help a failing product. He was either crazy or brilliant or both.

After a month, finally, we had something that was exactly what people wanted in the first place. We ran demos that ended with users actually using the product (rather than politely telling us they would and not).

And this, dear reader, is not just the tale of a tech entrepreneur. This is the story of anyone who's ever tried to create something new. Be it a business, a book, a piece of art, or heck, even a new relationship.

It's about that testing and listening phase - that time when you're throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. It's about the courage to admit when you've missed the mark, the resilience to pick yourself back up, and the wisdom to listen to the feedback you're getting.

It's about looking for fit - in your market, in your life, and in your heart.

And it's about recognition - in the form of money, yes, but also in the satisfaction of knowing you've created something that resonates with people. That you've added value to the world in your own unique way.

So, whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a hopeful artist, or a dreamer with big plans, remember this: it never works out does.

Stay the course. Listen to feedback. Adjust. Repeat.

And one day, you'll find yourself with something exactly right.

If you’d like to learn more about, click here.

💰 R/RR

Rich: I give up.

Really Rich: It’s all part of the game.

🎙️ This Week On The Really Rich Podcast

Uncover the untold success story behind my million-dollar email campaigns! Join me on a journey where a simple email campaign catapulted my success, launching multiple businesses.

Learn how email marketing, precision, and personal touch can revolutionize your approach. Don't miss out on the email revolution and let's transform your emails into a golden ticket for success, especially if you care about generating crazy ROI.

Podcast available on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

🤝 How I can help you:

  1. The Entrepreneur’s Field Guide (Book) - learn the rules for entrepreneurship and how to blaze your own path.

  2. Revise (my annuity firm) - Accumulate an income for life that grows tax-deferred, principal protected, and tracks the S&P500.

  3. The Really Rich Podcast (Free) - a weekly deep dive into business, finance, and wealth mindset.